We are currently riding on what many have coined the “podcasting wave.” Now more than ever, individuals and businesses have embarked on their podcasting journey to bring their message to the world.
Launching a podcast might be on your ‘to-do” list this year, but you’re still holding back. You might still have reservations about whether podcasting is right for you and if all the time and effort required to get it off the ground is a worthwhile endeavor to begin with.
It’s normal to feel this way, but it also begs the question: “Are you going to let those challenges stop you, or are you going to go do something about it?”
Here are some tips to help you overcome podcast paralysis.
Tip 1: Identify The “Why” Behind Launching Your Podcast
Most folks are enthusiastic when they start podcasting, but less than 40% of podcasts make it past episode 50. A lot of that is due to “pod fade,” which tends to happen when you run out of ideas for your podcast.
One of the main causes of “pod fade” is a lack of planning, a clear strategy, and not knowing who your ideal listeners are.
Begin by identifying “Why” your podcast should exist. Be clear about the topic that you intend to cover and focus on a specific area or niche. Find out more about who your ideal guests and listeners are, what type of questions they have, and what type of information they’re looking for. Provide a compelling reason to encourage your listeners to tune in to your show.
Tip 2: Have a Learning Mindset For Your Podcast
The “impostor syndrome” is a common obstacle that prevents people from starting podcasts. They feel that they have nothing of value to add to the conversation and believe that they’re not good at interviewing. They also tend to compare themselves (unrealistically) to experienced podcasters like Joe Rogan.
Even highly experienced podcasters started somewhere, so don’t be intimidated by how well other shows are performing. After all, comparison is the thief of joy! Have a learning mindset and research podcasts in your niche. Pay attention to the interview style, the questions they ask their guests, and the show format. Draft a script for your intro and outro, 4-5 burning questions you have for your guest, as well as the beginning and end of your interview. Practice before hitting “record,” learn from other podcasters, and be open to constructive feedback.
Tip 3: Be Prepared to Play the Long Game
You might be gripped by the fear of failure, wondering if people will even like or listen to your show. Worse yet, you’re worried about what other people might say in reviews or on social media.
It’s normal to feel this way, and it can be very intimidating at times, but don’t let these doubts stop you from getting started.
Plan and be flexible. Building a good podcast and an audience from scratch takes time. In fact, building your first audience is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.
Get your team and people within your professional network to support, listen, and subscribe to your show — especially when you launch. Join online communities and learn from other podcasters who are more experienced. Once you’re a bit more established, do podcast swaps with hosts in your niche to grow your audience.

Tip 4: Research The Relevant Tools and Software Before You Invest
We get it - podcasting itself can be quite daunting, and the plethora of choices you have for software and equipment only adds to the confusion. You’ve checked several platforms and asked others about their experience with this software or that mic, and opinions vary. This results in you not knowing where to start or unsure about when it’s time for an upgrade.
Review your long-term goals for your podcast. Start with a solid remote recording platform and equipment, and make incremental changes over time. You should start with a good internet connection (wired is best!), a decent microphone (like the AudioTechnica ATR2100x or the Shure SM7B (two of our favorites here at Westport Studios), and a pair of noise-canceling headphones. With regards to editing software, there are free options as well as paid versions available.We still mix some episodes here on the Audacity.org platform, which is open source and 100% free. While many start with free versions, getting a paid version would be advantageous in the long run. Do your research, review the features, check the online reviews, do a free trial of the software before you commit to anything, or find a partner to edit and take care of the heavy lifting for you on the back end.
Final thoughts:
While the concerns mentioned in this article are common, they shouldn’t hold you back from launching a podcast. There are plenty of good and reliable resources available to get you going and online communities are filled with podcasters willing to help you.
Start with why your show exists, then find out who your ideal guests and listeners are and how they will benefit from your podcast. Invest in the basic software,equipment, and partnership, then leverage your existing network to help you get started.
In the next part of the series, we will continue to explore some other tips to help you embark on your podcasting journey.
If you have any questions or are looking for a partner to help you set sail, drop us a line!